The Assembly of ASSICA, the Industrial Association of Meat and Cured Meats, today unanimously elected Pietro D’Angeli as the new President. D’Angeli, who has been Vice-President for the last two years, takes over from Ruggero Lenti, who had held the position from 2021 to date.
“I want to thank all the associates for the trust placed in me and I would like to emphasize that my mandate will be in continuity with the previous presidencies of Ruggero Lenti and Nicola Levoni, to whom I extend my gratitude and esteem for the valuable work done. In particular, I would like the climate of great collaboration to remain intact, convinced that only a common spirit and vision on the part of the companies, deriving from a continuous and open discussion, can be the right engine for the Association to carry out its function in the best possible way, representing all members, regardless of the size of the companies” – said the new president D’Angeli.
On the programme front, the priorities announced are in response to the same number of challenges that the sector is facing, from the sharp increase in industrial and raw material costs (domestic and foreign) to African Swine Fever (ASF) with the already serious repercussions on exports. “As a reaction to the sharp and incessant increase in the costs of raw materials, energy, packaging and many other related costs and the difficulty of transferring these higher charges to final selling prices, also in light of the loss of purchasing power of Italian families, reduce VAT to 4%, thus equating meat and cured meats with cheese and fruit and vegetables, it would help to calm the market – D’Angeli announced.
“To counter the spread of ASF, it is vital to act promptly, with the sharing and implementation of coordinated actions for the eradication of the infection.” As far as internal priorities are concerned, the President aims at greater involvement of young people, both within individual companies and in the Association: “The issue of business continuity and generational transition is crucial, especially for our supply chain, which is made up of the majority of family-run SMEs. In this two-year period, I intend to commit myself to encouraging and facilitating the entry or greater involvement of young people within ASSICA and our member companies: they are the future of our sector and our country and it is necessary that they acquire more and more voice within our organization as well.”
His own biography is an example of this. Born in ’62, passionate sportsman and authentic Romagna, D’Angeli began his specific training in the agricultural, meat and cured meats sector in the area at a very young age from his first experiences, gaining skills related to all the typical production phases of the supply chain, then enriched and expanded thanks to the achievement of various qualifications at SDA Bocconi in Milan. Since 2005 he has been General Manager of CLAI, a cooperative within which he has grown, since joining the company in 1988 as Production and Plant Manager. Since December 2019 he has also been Sole Director of Zuarina SPA.
In ASSICA since 2021 he has been Vice President with responsibility for Supply Chain Relations. “It is my intention to work as a team,” D’Angeli concluded, “making full use of the skills of fellow entrepreneurs who are committed to the life of the association, both through delegations to the Vice-Presidents and by involving the Presidents of the Product Groups more for specific issues.” The election of the new President took place on the occasion of the Annual Assembly of the Association. The Conference “The prospects of the cured meats supply chain, between economic changes and challenges of sustainable development“, a public part of the ASSICA Assembly, is part of the European campaign “Trust Your Taste, CHOOSE EUROPEAN QUALITY”.