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Different is good, different is right

Learn to cook and taste all parts of the animal, even the less noble cuts, is essential to increase sustainability and reduce the environmental impact of farming. The supply chain operators, in particular the butchers and the workers on the cutting counter, play a decisive role in encouraging consumers to try new cuts, reassure them of their doubts/perplexities and provide recipes and cooking tips to better appreciate their characteristics and qualities.

It is very helpful to keep a poster with the different anatomical parts of the animal clearly displayed, useful for immediately explaining to the consumer what they are buying. It also helps in the choice to provide information on the nutritional values, properties and virtues of some lesser-known cuts as well as obviously having simple recipes available (perhaps printed on certified paper or downloadable from the butcher’s website/Facebook page) to leave to their customers: a smart way to build their loyalty and make your contribution to the sustainability and cultural growth of the sector!