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How to communicate quality?

According to recent research, 90% of Italians talk about food and more than 70% get information online, but when looking for news only 6% do so on institutional sites! The risk of fake news is real and it is estimated that last year 3 out of 4 Italians believed at least one hoax. Regarding food, the sector most tormented by the spread of this false news is that of the production and consumption of animal proteins. Each operator can make their own contribution to positively describe a product whose reputation is constantly questioned.  How? By following these 3 rules:

  1. Provide proof of authenticity: the whole sector must demonstrate that it seeks constant improvement in production and be aware that the consumer is much more demanding.
  2. Communicating clearly and unambiguously: transmitting simple, coherent and transparent messages to the consumer, considering that today consumers take a certain level of quality for granted and are more sensitive to certain values.
  3. Involve the consumer: it is important to make the consumer understand all the steps in the supply chain, so that they begin to respect the product.